• Civil Rights Department Publishes Updated ''California Law Prohibits Workplace Discrimination and Harassment'' Poster

    Government Code section 12850 and related regulations require all California employers to display the “California Law Prohibits Workplace Discrimination and Harassment” poster in a conspicuous place where employees gather. The Civil Rights Department published an updated version of this poster that includes information about protections for employees taking bereavement leave or leave for reproductive loss. It also contains information about prohibitions against discrimination based on an applicant’s use of cannabis outside of the workplace.

    If 10% or more of an employer’s workforce at any facility or establishment speaks a language other than English, the employer must also display this poster in that language (or languages).  The updated “California Law Prohibits Workplace Discrimination and Harassment” poster and other postings required by the Civil Rights Department are available on their website, including translated versions.

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